随着每年假期的临近, many office settings become a bit more relaxed with celebratory workplace socials, gift exchanges, 甚至还有场外派对. It’s often the most wonderful time of year for employees and employers alike. 然而,持续存在的 COVID-19肯定会影响——可能取消,工作场所的节日庆祝 this year. But, 加上一点再想象和创造性的旋转, you can still celebrate safely—and with a festive spirit that helps employees feel valued and keeps morale high. If you’re looking for a few ideas for holiday parties in the age of COVID-19, 我们有一些建议.


很多公司都会有 虚拟办公环境 this year, hosting a holiday party virtually is not only possible, but it can be easy and fun. Here are a few ideas to consider for your virtual holiday gatherings.


  • 虚拟的神秘圣诞老人-在新的应用程序的帮助下 Elfster, DrawNames, and Giftster, you can easily organize your annual office gift exchange with a virtual twist. Of course, 你需要一个实际交换礼物的策略, which can include a drop-off and pick-up station at the office or offer to pay postage for your team members to mail their gifts if your budget allows.
  • 通过Zoom举办派对—If 2020 has taught us one thing, it’s that we can do pretty much anything via Zoom. 如果你想让一年一度的节日派对传统延续下去的话, pull together your team’s party planners to organize a virtual party. 如果你的员工喜欢花时间在一起, you can encourage everyone to log on while dressed in their ugly Christmas sweaters to celebrate over everyone’s favorite food and drinks of choice. 为了吸引大家的注意力, you can get really creative by planning a Murder Mystery style activity, karaoke, or trivia.
  • 邮件定制礼品盒—If budget allows, consider using your annual holiday party dollars to send your employees customized gift boxes. Not only will they feel valued and celebrated but gift boxes keep on giving beyond a typical party or celebration.


如果你的大部分或所有团队成员都在办公室工作, 你还是想亲自主持一个安全的节日庆祝活动, be sure you adhere to your local government’s recommended crowd size, mask, 以及社交距离要求. 考虑一下这些办公室里的、社交距离较远的节日派对小贴士.


  • 迎合个别需要-每个人都喜欢好的百乐餐或自助餐, but you’ll want to make sure all party foods are individually plated and served this year to prevent the possible spread of germs. Many catering companies are now offering individually-packaged meals, 哪些可以帮助你安全地为你的团队提供食物. All in all, you’ll probably want to postpone the annual cookie exchange or chili cook-off contests until next year.
  • 在工作日举办派对—While your tradition might involve hosting your holiday gathering after work hours or off-site, consider a workday celebration that helps cut down on crowd control and gifts back the evening hours for employees to be with their families.
  • 把派对带到室外-如果你的办公空间或建筑允许的话(还有天气条件), host your celebration in an outdoor space that allows for social distancing and fresh air. 如果可能的话,你甚至可以增加加热器或火坑, along with some outdoor games or activities for safe team building. 帮助安全处理食物, consider hiring food trucks to show up on-site and allow employees to order food and snacks of their choice.


自2020年以来,是一个巨大变化的一年, maybe this year is ideal for changing up the way you celebrate the holidays with your team. There are many ways to preserve the spirit of celebration together without a traditional party or gathering. If you’re looking to think outside the box a bit this year, here are a few ideas.


  • 捐赠给慈善机构-为了你的员工, you could choose to make a charitable contribution to a nonprofit organization that’s doing some good in the world. 尤其是在经历了一年的反思之后, this type of gift might just be the heartwarming action your team needs to see during this time.
  • 赞助或配对捐款——出于同样的慈善捐赠, a unique way to celebrate the holiday season with your employees could be to sponsor or match contributions to each employee’s charitable causes. Note that you’ll likely want to set parameters for organizations that match your company’s values.
  • Deliver a Meal—Instead of using the holiday party budget on an in-person gathering, encourage your employees to celebrate with their families or close friends at home by sending a meal to their house. 你甚至可以给他们最喜欢的餐厅寄礼品卡, 让他们在自己方便的时候庆祝.


If this year has kept you busy with changes and challenges, we’re here for you. Whether it’s offering you some safe ways and guidance on holiday celebrations, helping you best 在COVID-19期间支持您的员工, or taking the load off your shoulders with some HR or payroll support, our team is ready to assist. Contact us 今天来学习LBMC雇佣伙伴如何提供帮助.

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