2021年医疗保健行业最关注的是什么? LBMC’s fourth annual Business Outlook Survey Report addresses this question and offers insight into business trends, 挑战, 以及美国七个主要行业的乐观程度.S.,包括医疗.

在500名受访者中,医疗保健机构占了最大的比例, 主要是c级职位. 超过一半的参与者代表着收入在1500万美元以上的公司. The report provides insight into the business landscape over the last 12 months and expectations for the new year. 该报告重点关注当前的业务挑战, 大流行病的影响, 选举人气, 以及经济状况和企业来年的目标.


根据调查, 2019冠状病毒病是2020年医疗机构面临的最大挑战, 影响72%的受访者. 大流行之后出现了监管要求和人员更替. 开发新产品的比例从去年的38%降至11%.今年的2%.

网络安全是四分之一医疗保健机构的首要任务. 在那些优先考虑网络安全的组织中, 近80%的公司计划进行网络安全风险评估, 65%计划实施IT保障和合规.

“It is a little surprising that only 25% of healthcare organizations indicated that they intend to prioritize cybersecurity this year. 很长一段时间以来,网络安全问题一直是该行业的痛点, 除非实体继续专注于解决网络安全挑战, 没有理由期待网络安全状况会有所改善. 不幸的是, 攻击的数量和复杂程度都在增加, 这使得它更难在下一次重大网络威胁面前保持领先地位. 因此, now is not the time to divert attention away from important cybersecurity and data protection initiatives. 希望, 所有的医疗机构都能找到合适的方法进行评估, 测量, 并在2021年管理他们的网络安全风险. 否则,这个行业可能又要经历漫长的一年.”

——马克Burnette, 注册会计师, 中钢协, CISSP, CISM, CRISC, CCSFP, QSA, Shareholder-in-Charge, 信息安全



在研究的所有行业中,医疗保健受到新型冠状病毒肺炎的负面影响最大. 78.1%的医疗机构受到了新型冠状病毒肺炎的负面影响. 当被问及他们业务的哪些方面受到新型冠状病毒肺炎的影响最大时, 医疗保健组织的前三个反应是销售/收入损失, 取消约会, 对服务的需求减少. 当被问及由于大流行,他们计划重新审视哪些操作假设时, 回答最多的是员工/招聘, 远程工作/办公室设置, 和技术/自动化.


“很多医生都是这样, 以令人印象深刻的方式, able to pivot to telehealth as evidenced by the number of telehealth visits that increased by 154% in Q1 2020 as compared with the same period in 2019. 随着大流行进入夏季, 到7月中旬,远程医疗访问仅占总就医次数的21%, 从4月份公共卫生危机早期高峰时的69%下降. 而远程保健的使用在很大程度上仍远高于大流行前的水平, 许多人仍然说,它的受欢迎程度会持续下去. 近期游客数量的下降产生了不可否认的冲击效应, and many hospitals and physician practices that rushed to retrain their staff to deliver most types of care virtually in March are now trying to strike a new balance based on shifting patient preferences and needs.”

——Andrew McDonald, FACHE,医疗保健咨询公司股东和实践领袖


While many healthcare organizations are concerned that the election will have a negative impact on their business, 大多数人持中立或积极看法. 40.4% of 医疗保健 organizations believe that the results of the recent election will have a negative impact on their business. 造成负面影响的首要原因是税收增加/法规增加, 对全国医疗保健和公费医疗的关注, 相信新政府是反商业的. 28.8%的人认为最近的选举结果会产生积极影响. 产生积极影响的首要原因是医疗保险覆盖/报销范围扩大, 以及对医疗保健的良好前景.


未来前景/ 2021的目标

而对地区的乐观, 国家, 世界经济前景下降, 医疗机构对2021年持乐观态度. 最重要的业务目标包括增加销售额、改善财务状况和增加业务价值. 92%的医疗保健机构认为,2021年他们的收入将实现增长, 比去年增加了15个百分点.

2021年,五分之一的医疗保健机构正在考虑合并或收购. 医疗保健组织对M的增长期望极低,甚至没有增长,因此对M有更强烈的考虑&A. 一些公司可能会将合并或收购视为加速收入增长的一种方式.

“考虑到我们在M&一个练习. What was an initial slowdown resulting from the pandemic was made up in transaction activity during Q3 and Q4-20. We have seen this robust activity continue into January with a strong pipeline of healthcare deals for the rest of Q1 and the beginning of Q2-21, 特别是在家庭健康方面, 临终关怀, 行为健康, 人口健康管理, 以及医生服务部门. Investors should plan for thorough due diligence of normalized 2020 operations to determine any lingering COVID impacts despite a target’s return in late 2020 to pre-COVID volumes.”

- Lisa Nix,注册会计师、股东和交易咨询服务业务负责人


随着医疗机构开始喘口气, many are re-evaluating their current business model in which non-critical services pay for the majority of critical ones. Now is the time to take lessons learned during the pandemic and apply them to your organization’s plans for the future.




毫不奇怪,2020年新型冠状病毒肺炎的爆发对医疗机构构成了最大的挑战. 然而, 其他行业在哪里受到了国内经济条件的巨大挑战, 医疗保健组织在监管要求和员工流失率方面更加困难.

The negative effects of the pandemic were most acute among healthcare organizations—often related to loss of revenue and cancellation of appointments. 应对新冠肺炎疫情的广泛影响, 医疗保健组织正在重新考虑关键业务操作,如人员配置, 远程工作和办公室配置.

“导致了大流行, 医院和卫生系统的平均营业利润率很低, 他们的现金状况正在下降, 而非扩张国家的经济表现和流动性尤其黯淡. 感谢供应商的救济资金, 许多医院和卫生系统现在都有充足的现金, 尽管财务业绩持续下滑. 对许多人来说,救助基金是一剂至关重要的兴奋剂. 对于一些, 然而, they may have provided a false sense of security by masking underlying ongoing financial distress.”


医疗保健组织对2020年大选的看法与其他行业类似. More healthcare respondents believe the election will have a negative impact on their business than believe it will have a positive effect, but almost a third of respondents believe the election will have no effect at all on their business.

当被问及经济前景时, 医疗行业是对美国经济最不乐观的行业. 然而,大多数医疗保健公司相信他们将在2021年实现收入增长.

医疗保健 organizations were more likely than many industries to increase their hiring over the past 12 months, 特别是在高增长群体中. 进入2021年,医疗保健组织高度重视收购和 留住人才, which they plan to address by hiring new employees and offering more flexible or remote work arrangements. Investing in technology is a high priority for healthcare organizations but is not quite as important as acquiring and retaining talent. 说到2021年的技术投资, 医疗保健组织最感兴趣的是业务智能和分析.

“医疗保健 organizations can see an immediate benefit in FTE productivity by implementing data acquisition and engineering. Pulling together large and disparate types of data from multiple sources into an organized format so that non-technical clinicians and hospital executives can utilize the information in decision making can have an immediate and significant impact on overall FTEs and their ability to focus on the more important tasks.”

- Brad Milner,医疗保健分析高级总监

2021年,医疗保健组织主要专注于销售现有产品. 大多数公司计划将现有产品销售到当前或新市场. 计划在2021年推出新产品的医疗机构减少了. 医疗保健组织计划在2021年增加资本支出. 这在高增长群体中尤为明显, with an average increase that is more than 15 percentage points higher than the no growth group. The most common targets for increased 资本支出 are acquiring new locations and upgrading IT services.

“The most common struggle for healthcare CFOs that we see is the challenge of consolidations for multi-entity, 多处组织. 医疗保健 CFOs must contend with the expansion of facilities and service lines across regions and states, 随着监管框架的发展,会计规则的性质不断变化, 强调通过有机的新项目或收购其他公司来发展业务, and increasing inter-relationships and inter-company activities between entities within the parent company. 使用单个组件解决整合的挑战, 基于云的金融系统工具可以推动您的医疗保健组织向前发展.”

- Stacy Schuettler,技术解决方案总裁

了解更多来自医疗保健行业的见解, 包括与销售和盈利能力相关的策略, 资本支出, 合并 & 收购、获取/留住人才、技术使用和网络 & 数据安全,下载 LBMC 2021年商业前景调查报告.


该报告基于全国商业前景调查的结果, 哪里有500多名商业领袖, 主要是c级职位, reviewed business activity over the past year and provided insight into the business landscape over the next 12 months. More than half of the participants represent companies with $15 million plus in revenue and at least 50 employees. 第一次, this year’s report also surveyed high growth companies – businesses with a growth rate of at least 20%.

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