Workflow inside of Dynamics GP is simply a rule or set of rules set up to kick off once an action is taken in GP, such as posting a payables batch or setting up a new vendor.  

Have you ever wondered how workflow can help improve business processes within your organization?  Setting up approval processes or individual workflows can cut down on fraud, 重复的条目, and automate and streamline processes.

It can be modified to meet your unique needs and probably my favorite feature is that you are able to do approvals remotely.  This means that you can approve or deny right from an email on your phone, without ever having to log into GP.

Workflow is flexible in the fact that you can set up things like conditions, 例如, when a check is above a certain dollar amount, it must be approved by 1 or maybe 2 people before it can be posted.  You can also set up back-up approvers in the event someone is out of the office or on vacation.  And for those coworkers who rarely check their emails (you know who they are!) you can even escalate an overdue workflow step to make it top priority.

The most popular uses for workflow are:

  • GL批
  • GL帐户维护
  • 应收账款批
  • 应付款批
  • 供应商安装
  • 采购订单
  • 征用

In the October 2019 release of 微软动态全科医生, Microsoft added security workflows (hallelujah!). This means if someone adds or makes changes to things like user security, 或安全角色, it can be set up to be approved by management first.

了解更多有关其他 underused features in 微软动态全科医生.

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