随着就业市场的好转, some seasoned professionals are resurrecting their jobs search across the nation. It’s vital to prepare not only your résumé but hone your interview presentation skills as well.

求职者通常会花费数小时修改他们的résumés,以确保获得一个关键职位的面试机会,而忽视了在准备面试本身时的尽职调查. If you are looking to impress the hiring manager for a coveted position in your next interview, 记住下面的建议可能会帮助你展示自己是一个最佳候选人,并获得这个职位.

下面是一些面试技巧,可以帮助你推销自己, prepare you for the things to remember and not to do during an interview.


Your success in an interview is based on your ability to sell your background and experience, 展示你是多么适合这份工作, 并通过对这份工作和公司的真正兴趣来展示你能为公司的最终成功带来什么.


你的目标是把自己描述成雇主正在寻找的那种候选人:一个对自己很了解的人, 有能力,对目标和机会有清晰的愿景.


This is where the interviewer makes some very important perceptions about you. 提前到达以树立良好的形象, 穿着适当, 并表现得彬彬有礼. Be poised and enthusiastic about your opportunities with the employer, 对自己的能力充满信心.

在你提前准备的时候, 确定你可以具备的三项关键技能 根据你的背景来应聘这个职位. 你在推销自己, 所以即使这个问题没有被特别问到, 确保你在对话的某个时刻加入这些要点.

诚实是很重要的. 雇主们不喜欢惊喜. 坦率地说出你的教育、工作和背景. 如今的公司都很精明,会检查这些重要信息. Too often candidates try to embellish criteria in an effort to secure a position, 但在现实中, 产生事与愿违的后果. 一定要诚实. 如果您没有获得某个证书, 对此要开诚布公,并表示愿意接受额外培训.


招聘经理会对每个求职者都有一些关键的方面进行评估,并选择了具体的问题来评估. 通常情况下,候选人一进来就开始发言, 不让面试官插一句话. 呼吸. 放松. 最重要的是……听. 让面试官提问,然后尽可能简洁地回答这个问题. 引用真实的情况或经历来证明你的回答, 而且比一般化更有效. 详细阐述问题,而不是给出简单的“是”或“不是”的回答.

志愿提供一个真实的例子是有效推销自己的关键,因为它为你的回答提供了有效性, 但要小心别扯到题外话.这是许多面试官的主要抱怨. If the interviewer asks you what time it is, do not tell him how to make the watch. 如果雇主不觉得你用清晰简洁的方式给出了尖锐的答案, 他们可能会得出结论,认为你不会遵守指示. 只要回答你被问到的问题. 更多并不总是更好, 特别是在面试中,招聘经理没有多少时间,正在寻找一个有效率的, 他是团队的有效成员.

Remember that you are there to find out if this is a company that you can love.

提前把你可以问的问题写出来,以便对公司的发展方向有个大致的了解, along with whether the position will give you the growth and development you desire. 问这样的问题, 为什么这个职位空缺,,并要求会见你将要共事的经理或团队, are very acceptable and help you to decide if this is the right opportunity for you.

确保你的问题集中在你能为公司的发展做些什么,以及公司能为你的发展做些什么, 分别. 在第一次面试时,除非面试官问了,否则不要问有关福利和报酬的问题.

15 Interview Tips to Remember During Your Conversation with the Interviewer

  1. Dress professionally (Minimal jewelry, no perfume/cologne, and make sure your shoes are shined)
  2. Arrive on time, preferably a little early and leave your cell phone in your car.
  3. 确保你确认了正确的地址和地点(有些公司在同一个市场有多个地点)
  4. 握手要坚定,微笑并保持直接的目光接触
  5. 对公司表现出真正的兴趣和热情. 做笔记是完全可以接受的.
  6. Do your homework on the company and interviewer prior to the first interview. (review their website, financial information/annual report, LinkedIn profiles, etc.)
  7. 确保 你的社交形象以正确的方式代表了你 因为他们可能也会对你做调查.
  8. 在面试过程中是否准备好问题或能够提出有意义的问题,以显示对该职位的了解和兴趣. Listed below are some examples of potential interview questions to ask an employer.
  9. 预见到 面试官的生产问题. Ask yourself why they might not want to hire you and prepare a defense. 也许你没有合适的硬技能,但是 软技能同样重要.
  10. 积极思考. 在面试中不要抱怨不好的经历. 即使面试官问起 情商的问题.
  11. 注意你的肢体语言——(不要交叉双臂——要显得放松,但要泰然自若,充满自信)
  12. 在面试结束时感谢面试官花的时间,如果没有讨论下一步该怎么做.
  13. 向面试官要一张名片.
  14. 发送电子邮件或手写 谢谢你注意 给面试官.
  15. 打电话给你的招聘人员,让他/她知道面试的结果.


  • What is the largest single problem facing your staff/department right now?
  • What kinds of assignments might I expect during the first six months on the job?
  • Are salary adjustments geared to the cost of living or job performance?
  • In what ways is a career with your company better than one with your competitors?
  • 请给我描述一下这份工作的职责.
  • 你们公司鼓励继续教育吗?
  • 多久进行一次绩效评估?
  • 你如何看待创造力和个性?
  • 通常促销的时间范围是什么?
  • 对于你的工作/公司,你最喜欢的是什么?
  • 这个工作领域的人员流动多吗?
  • 有很多团队/项目工作吗?
  • 这家公司的成功人士有哪些共同的特点?
  • 这个职位在组织结构中处于什么位置?
  • 你们是从外部招聘还是先从内部提拔?
  • 什么技能对这个职位的人特别重要?
  • What qualities are you looking for in the candidate who fills this position?
  • 我有机会参与特殊项目吗?
  • 下一步行动是什么? 我应该什么时候收到你的消息,还是我应该联系你?


These common interview questions can trip up the most accomplished executives. 在我做招聘人员的时候, I have watched many candidates stumble with the following questions and as a result, 他们没有被雇佣.


So. . . 面试官真的想知道我的工作经历还是更个人难忘的事情——比如我去跳伞? 答案是:视情况而定!

Depending on the decision maker, they may want to know different things. 有些人可能会更注重了解你的经历和成就,以便了解你会如何影响他们的底线. They might want to know you’re a “hands-on manager,” the “go-to financial reporting expert,” etc.

Others may want to know about you personally to determine if you “fit” with the company’s culture. 在这种情况下,你会想要更多地展示你的个性. 展现个性并不意味着你应该对你出生以来的生活做出证明! It could be sharing something about your hobbies, interests or goals.

最好的回答方式是“亲自或专业地”问? 你想从哪里开始?让雇主指导你的回答.

Either way, you need to think of the answer as your introduction or “elevator pitch.”

  • 给自己 30秒 谈论你是谁.
  • Craft an elevator pitch for both a personal and professional response.
  • It should be a very concise presentation of the personal and professional “you.”
  • 理想的回应可能是两者的短暂结合.
  • 注意不要啰嗦.
  • 重要的是要表现出你能传达简洁的信息.
  • 如果你没有很多经验的话, 比如一个应届毕业生, talk about an academic accomplishment or an important internship project.



I have heard an accountant answer this question by saying he was not detail oriented, 一个运营经理回答说她缺乏很强的沟通能力,一个信息技术专业的回答说他不善于团队合作.

让我们面对现实吧. We all have weaknesses and we have to answer this question with some transparency. 如果你不, 面试官会觉得你只是在说你认为他们想听的话,他们不会信任你.

最好的方法是给一个透明的诚实的回答. However, do not choose a weakness that is a “must have” quality for the position. 提到一个你没有像你想的那样成功的领域,以及你是如何在这个领域取得进步或正在进步的. 他们希望看到你对他们诚实, you are self-aware and you are taking steps to improve in your areas of weakness.


在你用面试技巧打动招聘经理之前, 你必须得到面试机会. 这里有一些快速的建议来帮助你提前面试.

  1. 更新你的简历. 你的résumé需要两页或更少,并且需要说明你从高中或大学毕业后的所有工作年限. You also need to account for the years that you were out of the workforce, 无论是因为你是一个全职妈妈, 花时间旅行或其他原因. 雇主想知道这些,但要保持简短.
  2. 创建或更新你的LinkedIn资料. If you do not already have a LinkedIn profile, you need to create one. 这将允许你建立一个个人资料,列出你所有的经验或更新你的经验,如果你已经是一个成员. 最重要的是, it will allow you to connect with people from your past who may lead you to your next position.
  3. Make a list of everyone who you know in your city, both professionally and personally. 从以前的同事和以前的主管开始,然后逐级递进,把那些你在教堂认识的人包括在内, 你的社区, 朋友, 邻居和家人. 开始在LinkedIn上和这些人联系,让他们知道你正在找工作,如果他们在听说你所在领域的工作机会时把你记在心里,他们会很感激的.
  4. 联系你的专业推荐人. As you interview for positions, you will need to provide at least two professional references. These need to be individuals who have supervised your work in the past. It is better for you to dust off the professional references that you have used in the past, 联系他们,获得他们的许可,再次使用他们作为参考,并准备好他们的联系方式,而不是等到你在面试过程中很长时间后再联系你的参考. It may take a while for you to find their current information and hear back from them, 所以现在就开始这个过程吧. 谁知道? 他们可能还会再雇你.
  5. 你对薪水的期望要现实一点. If you have been out of the workforce for more than a couple of years, 你对薪水的期望要现实一点. 大多数领域都在不断变化. If you haven’t worked in your chosen field for a few years, your worth to the market has decreased. 不要因此而气馁. 你要知道,你可能拿不到你离开这个行业时的薪水, 并相应地设定你的期望.

今天的市场充满了合格的候选人. 花点时间准备你的面试,这样你就能以最好的方式展示自己和自己的能力,从而获得这份工作.

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