
在接下来的10年里, technology will do more to change the finance and accounting organization than it has over the past 50. 数据库的无数进步, 数据处理, analytics and tools addressing the user experience as well as the application of AI will free up much of the time now required by manual, 费时的过程. These advances will allow the CFO and controller to refocus the mission of the department and will enable it to realize the ambition of finance transformation: becoming a strategic partner to the rest of the company. T在这里 are five areas most finance leaders will need to address to realize this critical transformation.

1. 投资在正确的人身上

Change management is often the most difficult aspect of a major corporate initiative. 在这种情况下, leadership and communication from senior finance leadership are essential to define and explain the changing mission. Ensuring team members are ready for transformation will require ongoing investment in their skills. 此外, 灌输持续改进的心态是至关重要的, one w在这里 “we’ve always done it this way” is no longer an acceptable rationale.

2. 保持技术目前

技术 is also an important ingredient in finance transformation. The right technology automation can remove unnecessary 过程 complexity. 技术 can save time – time the finance department team can use to accomplish more and provide greater value to the rest of the organization.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) using machine learning will become an increasingly important capability of financial management and ERP systems over the next decade. 与人工智能, departments will be able to automate and streamline repetitive tasks that require limited judgment. This time savings will provide team members more time to focus on valuable work that requires judgment and experience.

3. 优化流程

财务部门的工作经常是协作的. So it’s important to instill a continuous improvement mindset and explore ways to improve coordination and hand-offs. Organizations must make a purposeful effort to refine 过程es whenever necessary.

4. 关注数据质量

Poor administration of data is a root cause of heavier-than-necessary staff worklo广告. 制造业也是如此, designing quality into the data management element of business 过程es pays dividends. Finance organizations that have significant data quality issues on average took almost three days longer to complete their close than those that have little or no problems. A lack of data quality control le广告 to the need for time-consuming reconciliation and checking for errors, or time spent and costs incurred dealing with the consequences of unchecked errors. Data quality is also an important reason to avoid using spre广告heets in enterprise accounting 过程es.

5. 展示价值

财务主管应该选择一个初始项目, one that provides strategic value and demonstrates the department’s commitment to be a business enabler. One option to consider is improving the budgeting 过程 by making it easier for the budget owner. 从事金融工作的人自然会从金钱的角度思考问题, while people in line-of-business roles think in terms of “things” – headcount, 采购物资单位, 或营销线索,以完成销售. A dedicated budgeting application that allows budget owners to plan things and, 借助软件的帮助, 把东西转换成钱可以让做预算更容易.

技术 advances have the potential to turn the longstanding objective to transform the finance department into reality, 但前提是财务主管要对民众讲话, 过程, and data issues that also prevent departments from enhancing their effectiveness. 然而,正确的软件才是关键. It is the catalyst to giving departments the ability to devote more time to high-value work, enabling more flexible and agile operations while providing more strategic guidance to support more informed decision-making.


点击 在这里 要注册即将到来的网络研讨会, Closing the Midsize Performance Gap: Why It May Be Time to Change.

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