Most of us are familiar with some forms of digital currency. We make payments via the internet using services such as PayPal. We transfer funds to others through Venmo. 这些系统由需要与银行账户或信用卡集成的集中金融机构提供. 另一方面, cryptocurrency, 比特币等, is a type of digital currency that is decentralized. It is not controlled or regulated by financial authorities or government agencies. 然而, cryptocurrency transactions can still be taxable just like cash transactions. If you receive virtual currency in 交换 for goods or services, you have to report the income on your tax return. Holding cryptocurrency as an investment can have tax consequences. Purchasing cryptocurrency with US dollars is not a taxable event, but trading cryptocurrency into regular currency is a taxable event. 加密货币被视为财产, so you are required to report capital gains 和 losses from sale or 交换. The IRS has started a virtual currency compliance campaign, 和 virtual currency is an ongoing focus area for IRS Criminal Investigation. If you have cryptocurrency investments or transactions, be sure to discuss with your LBMC tax professional.   


Cryptocurrency is a medium of 交换, 比如美元, but unlike most currencies it has no physical form. It exists only in the blockchain, where it is created 和 stored electronically.

Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrency. 它是一个跨点对点网络的所有交易的去中心化分类账,它的功能是消除对中央清算机构的需求. Encryption techniques are used to verify the transfers 和 control the creation of units.

Launched in 2009, Bitcoin is the first 和 most widely known cryptocurrency.


尽管存在挑战和不确定性,加密货币继续获得全世界的关注. It can be used as an investment asset or electronic payment for goods or services. Cryptocurrency simplifies currency 交换s, 减少交易费用, 和 provides an instant transfer of funds, 国内外.

How does the IRS classify virtual currency?

In 2014, 国税局发布了2014-21年公告, 在联邦税收方面,虚拟货币被视为财产,适用于财产交易的一般税收原则将适用于使用虚拟货币的交易.

What is the basis of virtual currency 和 how is it determined?

必须使用美元的公平市场价值(FMV)来确定虚拟货币的纳税人基础. 2014-21公告确定FMV可按汇率将虚拟货币兑换成美元(或其他可兑换成美元的货币)计算, in a reasonable manner which is consistently applied.

Does the taxpayer have a gain or loss upon 交换 of virtual currency for other property?

Yes – each time a taxpayer 交换s virtual currency for other property, there will be a gain or loss recognized on the transaction. 对收益的税收处理取决于纳税人对虚拟货币的性质.   

When does a taxpayer have gross income?

牧师. 荷重软化. 2019-24年度确定,如果纳税人没有收到单位的新加密货币,则纳税人没有总收入,因为纳税人拥有的加密货币的硬分叉.

然而, 如果纳税人在硬分叉后从空投中获得新的加密货币单位, the taxpayer will have ordinary income. 总收入中包含的金额将增加纳税人在加密货币新单位中的基础.

对于加密货币的所有者来说,熟悉独特的概念并能够识别硬分叉是很重要的, as they may not be notified when a hard fork has taken place.


  1. 成本回收方法

根据国税局的指导, 纳税人需要始终如一地为加密货币应用合理的成本回收方法. 具体识别为围绕加密货币进行税收规划提供了更多的机会,但要求纳税人跟踪每个单位或硬币的个人成本基础.  A basis tracking software such as CoinTracker or Zen Ledger is recommended.

  1. 清洗销售规则和损失收获

If you incur a capital loss rather than a gain on your cryptocurrency trading, you can use those losses to offset other capital gains. This practice is known as loss harvesting. IRC Section 1091 rules apply to the sale of a 安全 当纳税人亏本卖出或交易,并在30天内买回“基本上相同”的证券. The wash sale rules apply to the 安全 sold 和 the loss is not allowed.

然而, 因为IRS将虚拟货币归类为财产,并没有将其定义为一种证券, 亏损销售规则将不适用. Without further guidance stating otherwise, currently virtual currency may be sold at a loss 和 repurchased within 30 days, 和 the wash sale rules would not disallow the loss. The IRS rules regarding cryptocurrency are ever-evolving, 和 the application of wash sale rules are still open to changes in tax policy.

  1. 慈善捐赠策略

虚拟货币可以捐赠给慈善机构,而不需要在捐赠上确认收入或损失. If the currency was held for more than a year, the value of the donation is equal to the fair market value on the date of donation. If the currency was held for one year or less, 捐赠价值等于纳税人的基础价值或货币公平市场价值中较低者.

As with all non-cash charitable contributions, 捐赠损失财产是没有好处的,超过5美元的数额需要一个合格的评估,000.


1040年形成, 附表1针对2019纳税年度进行了更新,就加密货币提出了以下是或否问题:

“在2019年的任何时候, 你收到, 出售, 发送, 交换, or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?”

2020年10月, 美国国税局发布了2020年草案表格1040,就该问题发布了进一步的指导意见, 澄清了如果没有涉及货币的交易,纳税人不需要对这个问题报告“是”. 根据美国国税局,

“涉及虚拟货币的交易不包括在钱包或账户中持有虚拟货币, 或者将虚拟货币从你拥有或控制的一个钱包或账户转移到你拥有或控制的另一个钱包或账户.”  

The question moved to the top of the first page on the final 1040 for 2020, 但对于传递实体持有的虚拟货币该如何回答这个问题,以及如何实施合规,目前仍不清楚. 附表B回答了一个类似的问题,涉及外国资产和金融利益,并为合规执法设定了一个先例. 国税局和司法部已经对没有正确回答附表B中问题的纳税人进行了刑事和民事处罚.

Cryptocurrency regulation is complex 和 evolving. Consult your tax advisor if you are considering a purchase or trade.






Crypto Wallet – program or app that stores digital assets

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