Outsourced 采购 服务

Average Client - 22% Savings across all negotiated spend categories

LBMC采购解决方案是一个独立的外包团队,提供精品解决方案,消除了客户的规模障碍. 与聚合 & strategic analysis of operational spend, we can help businesses better monitor costs, 报告费用, and do more with less effort.

With most CEOs and CFOs viewing cost-reduction initiatives as a top priority, 各组织越来越倾向于更仔细地审查开支. 采购 is not just about buying paper towels in bulk. Today’s procurement has moved far past simple purchasing. 这是对运营支出的战略分析,如果做得好,通过提高服务和效率,可以快速平均节省22%的成本.

企业内的采购职能正被提升为价值创造的战略组成部分. This move gives businesses a rich source of competitive advantage. 一个好的采购解决方案供应商将成为组织现有采购资源的延伸, in a non-obtrusive fashion.

LBMC is a 采购 Service Provider.

LBMC的战略采购团队可以通过明升体育app下载全面采购过程,从综合购买力和供应来源,积极影响贵公司的底线. We are a procurement service provider who can provide:

  • competitive market research
  • rapid analysis of organizations spends
  • 选择供应商
  • 战略审查
  • 谈判付款条件
  • contract negotiation and management
  • 项目管理
  • 旅游折扣
  • 快速实现
  • procurement transformation
  • purchasing goods, services or work from a third-party supplier

Advantages of working with LBMC 采购 解决方案

LBMC provides clients with a flexible set of procurement outsourcing options, custom configured to meet specific needs with tailored solutions. Working with LBMC, clients’ experience:

  • One true point of contact for any issues
  • 节省10 - 40%
  • ROI typically exceeding 300%
  • 快速,容易赢得
  • 购买力的杠杆
  • Negotiations on your behalf

LBMC采购解决方案与所有客户进行季度业务审查(QBR), 看看公司在节省什么,哪些领域提供额外的节省机会.

“My CFO charged me with reducing operations spend. LBMC采购解决方案不仅帮我节省了3.5万美元的电脑硬件成本, 但他们有如此出色的供应商关系,这导致了快速和无压力的实施.”
CIO, 专业服务 firm

采购 Partners and Key Suppliers


LBMC与客户合作,通过多种选择,包括广泛的供应商网络,为60多个供应商提供类别管理和专业知识,为直接采购和间接支出提供采购服务, 15个顶级供应商, custom sourcing support and alignment with the largest domestic GPO.

我们与客户合作设计智能采购和采购解决方案,以满足当前的目标,并使灵活性适应规模. If your company has a multimillion-dollar spend, 你有机会通过实施品类管理来降低采购成本.

LBMC专注于战术购买步骤,例如维护准确的支出数据, optimizing payment cycle terms, eliminating errors in invoices to help optimize the procure-to-pay cycle, 现场购买, 采购订单管理, 目录管理, master data management and accounts payable.

Our range of procurement solutions include:

  • Source-to-pay ——花管理, strategic sourcing and supplier management, performance management and procure-to-pay
  • Procure-to-pay – purchasing, receiving, accounts payable, inventory and 仪表板报表
  • 合同管理 -明升体育app下载采购团队将支持您的合同过程,从条款和条件的谈判到合同的全面执行.
  • 设施管理 -我们通过空间的协调为客户带来巨大的价值, infrastructure and organization facilitation, 为重复或重建项目创建标准和“材料清单”.

我们在向包括医疗保健在内的多个行业提供采购解决方案方面具有丰富的经验, 制造业, retail and financial services.

LBMC is an Aggregated 采购 Partner.

LBMC开发了一种解决方案,将GPO的被动参与转变为主动参与,将所有需要的物品置于合同和控制之下,从而成为您的聚合采购合作伙伴. If you have a company-specific need that is not in the network, 我们将使用明升体育app下载集团采购能力和谈判专家谈判一个更好的合同与您和为您. 当我们把它添加到明升体育app下载产品组合中,并为我们不断增长的客户提供同样的产品时, we’ll continue to drive pricing down and ROI up.

而一些团购组织(GPO)则以分层折扣的形式将其大量购买力传递给其成员, LBMC believes in cross-platform aggregated savings. GPOs only use group rates at a pre-determined supplier list level. LBMC aggregates pricing so that all companies get the same pricing. Regardless of the size of your company, 你可以收到两次, 三次, even ten times the volume discount you might already have.

采购和. 采购(GPO)

How do I get started with 采购?

任何组织寻求优化其采购效率和节省的第一步是与采购解决方案提供商进行对话. 这就开始了发现你的企业在预算方面哪些地方效率低下的过程,并找到了节约成本的方法.

对底线的改进可以是基于成本对成本比较的硬节省,也可以是基于效率的软节省, 技术和报告. 战略采购, 然而, 不仅仅是节省资金,还要创造创新的流程,提高公司的运营和效率,并使其获得长期成功.



塔米 沃尔克特

Chief Executive Officer, LBMC W Squared, LLC

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Link to 阿什利 采购

阿什利 帕特森

Vice President, Accounting and Client 服务

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我们很乐意回答您的任何问题,明升体育app下载采购专家可以为您做什么. 请使用该表格发送电子邮件给我们,明升体育app下载专业人员会及时回复您.

LBMC 采购 Office Location:
3 Maryland Farms, Suite 150
布伦特伍德,TN 37027


办公时间: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday

布伦特伍德,TN 37027

P.O. 1869箱
布伦特伍德,TN 37024 - 1869

605 Chestnut Street, Suite 1100
查塔努加,TN 37450

2095 Lakeside Centre Way, Suite 220
诺克斯维尔,TN 37922

This contact form is for service inquiries only. 所有供应商应发送电子邮件 info@sepon-boutique-resort.com.