2021年科技行业最关注的是什么? LBMC’s fourth annual Business Outlook Survey Report addresses this question and offers insight into business trends, 挑战, 以及美国七大主要行业的乐观程度.S.,包括技术.

技术 companies made up about 9% of the survey’s 500 respondents, 大部分是c级职位. 超过一半的参与者代表的公司收入超过1,500万美元. The report provides insight into the business landscape over the last 12 months and expectations for the new year. 具体地说, 该报告主要关注当前的业务挑战, 大流行的影响, 选举人气, 未来一年的经济状况和企业目标.


In 2020, 新型冠状病毒肺炎是科技公司面临的最大挑战, 其次是开发新产品和服务. 技术 is the only industry studied to rank developing new products and services as a top external challenge. The 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic completely reprioritized the most immediate 挑战 of technology companies. 而去年顾客偏好是第一位的, the pandemic created new opportunities and new priorities that now make that less of a concern.

How technology companies have endured has had much to do with their stage of lifecycle and their industry vertical. Young tech companies that were not surviving on revenue but fueling growth from capital have kept themselves to task with platform development. More mature firms either survived or thrived by aligning themselves with the altered economy. 技术与远程工作匹配良好的企业, 电子商务, 供应链显然是赢家.


而科技公司正在与新型冠状病毒肺炎作斗争, they also had the highest percentage of businesses with a positive impact from the pandemic. 三分之二的科技公司受到了新型冠状病毒肺炎的负面影响. 虽然这听起来有点高, 只有专业服务部门的负面影响程度较低. 当被问及受COVID - 19影响最大的业务部分时, 科技公司的前三大反应是销售/收入损失, 远程/面对面工作和服务需求的增加. When asked which operating assumptions they plan on revisiting as a result of the pandemic, 三分之一的人选择了远程办公, 其次是人员配备/招聘(20.8%).



技术 companies are evenly split when it comes to the expected impact of the 2020 election. 27% of technology companies believe the results of the recent election will have a negative impact on their business. 这一数字在所有行业中排名倒数第二. 那些认为自己将受到选举负面影响的企业, 100%的人认为增加税收和监管是他们的主要原因. Another 27% of technology companies believe the result of the recent election will have a positive impact on their business. Those on the positive side believe that the result of election will bring better leadership, 加强新型冠状病毒肺炎应对工作, 并提供更大的市场稳定性. 这凸显出科技公司在这个市场上基本上是安于现状的, 因为它刺激了对他们服务产品的需求. 其他行业的前景就不那么平衡了.

未来前景/ 2021的目标

尽管科技公司对亚太地区和美国经济的前景不像去年那么乐观.S. 他们对全球经济更加乐观. 2021年,科技公司的首要目标是增加销售, 增加业务价值, 提高财务业绩. 94.3%的科技企业相信他们将在2021年实现收入增长, 超过一半的公司相信它们将实现高增长.

在大流行爆发高峰期间和之后与明升体育app下载技术客户进行交谈, we noted most were adapting quickly to changes in operating structure and product/service demand. 我们听到他们对个别企业的前景始终持乐观态度, 其中许多企业的收入显著增加.

The tech companies we interact with remain positive as their revenue models and workforces are still largely in place. Any decreased optimism reported in the survey could be rooted in the increased competition for growth capital and customers. 这些因素可能会在不久的将来推动垂直行业的一些整合.


销售 & 盈利能力的策略

科技公司计划提高他们的生产力, 效率, 以及在2021年追求更大盈利能力的技术. 当谈到2021年提高盈利能力时, 科技公司最关注提高生产力和效率(64%), 其次是技术升级(60%).

In 2021, technology companies primarily plan on selling their products and services (new or existing) to existing markets. The majority (70%) of technology companies plan to develop new products for existing markets, and 67.6%计划向现有市场销售现有产品.



不像其他行业, technology businesses are most inclined to spend their capital budgets on research and development (R&D). 2021年,科技公司计划将资本支出平均增加11个百分点.比去年增加了05%. 当被问及他们计划在哪里增加资本支出时,超过三分之一(38人).2%的人计划在R&D. 科技是唯一拥有R的行业&D在前三个位置. 很少有技术企业(17.6%)计划在员工培训上投入更多.

科技企业最关心的问题是如何更快地将产品推向市场, 所以R&D和营销在这里上升到顶端. 但与此同时,他们必须控制成本.


合并 & 收购

科技公司对M&比任何其他行业都要好. 超过44%的科技公司正在考虑合并, 收购, 或者在2021年被另一家公司收购. Growth-oriented technology firms have an even higher likelihood of participating in a merger or acquisition in 2021.

LBMC has a number of technology clients that are currently involved in buy-side or sell-side transactions consistent with what we have experienced in prior years.

M&A market for technology has not slowed during the last 12 months and in fact it may have accelerated. 私人投资者对科技公司的兴趣依然健康, and tech firms themselves have kept an eye out for opportunities that scale their platforms. The name of the game for tech companies on the sell side is be prepared when the time comes. 整理好你的财务状况,并为尽职调查做好准备,这是一个真正的优势. 税务调查尤其重要, as many tech firms often are shocked to learn of tax exposures in the diligence process that can turn off potential buyers. 一些积极主动的管理对于以后的业务盈利是至关重要的.


技术 businesses (especially growth-oriented firms) focused primarily on increasing hires in 2020. 过去12个月,有一半的科技企业增加了员工人数. 62.5% of growth technology companies increased their hiring in 2020 while only 25% of no growth firms did the same.

科技公司计划在2021年增加招聘, 许多公司将灵活的远程工作安排作为他们的首要招聘策略. Nearly half of technology businesses have made 收购 talent a business priority in 2021. 近70%的科技公司计划在2021年增加招聘, 在这项研究中,哪个行业比其他任何行业都高. 当涉及到科技公司获取/留住人才的战略时, 其中40%的企业计划为员工提供灵活或远程的工作安排.


在管理自己的业务技术时, 科技公司通常希望增加新的系统. 就科技公司计划在2021年投资的技术而言, 商业智能 & 分析位居榜首,其次是云技术.


网络 & 数据安全

科技企业对网络安全的重视程度高于其他任何行业. 三分之一多一点的科技公司计划在2021年优先考虑网络安全. Those technology businesses prioritize cybersecurity are most often looking to implement IT assurance and compliance upgrades.


要了解更多来自科技行业的见解,请下载 LBMC 2021年业务前景调查报告.


该报告基于全国商业前景调查的结果, 500多名商业领袖在哪里, 大部分是c级职位, reviewed business activity over the past year and provided insight into the business landscape over the next 12 months. More than half of the participants represent companies with $15 million plus in revenue and at least 50 employees. 第一次, this year’s report also surveyed high growth companies – businesses with a growth rate of at least 20%.

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