
Finance and 好处 Manager, Employment Partners

Image of 蕾妮·麦金尼

Middle Tennessee 状态 University, Bachelor of Business Administration

蕾妮·麦金尼 is a Manager with LBMC Employment Partners, LLC. Her expertise lies in her ability to manage various project areas from inception to completion. While implementing detailed processes, she maintains insight and understanding of the big picture.

Renee has worked for LBMC Employment Partners for 14 years, coming on board shortly after its inception.  She has been instrumental in the company’s formation and continued success as a project manager overseeing financial operations. Her prior experience in the insurance arena has been valuable in the supervision of the PEO workers compensation and EPLI programs.

Working with service providers such as Liberty Mutual, 苏黎世的美国, Lexington and with clients such as HCA, her strengths of management, leadership and client service are well utilized.

Our days are made happier when we give others a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.


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