

加强商务沟通, 生产力, 和 collaboration among team members by integrating various communication tools within a Unified Communications system. 从VoIP到视频会议, LBMC可以将您的业务提升到一个新的水平, as your team members will connect in a way never before experienced through integrated communication technology. 无论是在本地还是在云端, the unified communication platform that you select will set your team up for success beyond st和ard phone systems.


“I wanted to send a quick note to let you know how appreciative I am of the support we get from the LBMC 技术 team. 从IT的角度来看,今年对我们来说是非常具有挑战性的一年, 和 your team absolutely delivered 和 stuck with us to get the ship turned around 和 heading in the right direction for 2017. It was especially important given the transaction we were undergoing to go from public company to private equity owned in the late spring. 罗伯特。, 尼克, 布莱德, 马特, 杰克, Will 和 the rest of the team … they all do a great job 和 help us focus on helping patients. 再次感谢您,我们珍视与LBMC的合作关系. 谢谢,斯科特。”
“我们拥有独特的业务,LBMC技术解决方案与之相适应. 我们不喜欢现成的产品, LBMC技术解决方案不断定制软件,以满足我们独特的需求. 更重要的是, LBMC isn’t pushy 和 takes our concerns into consideration when setting timelines 和 implementing projects. LBMC is s a true partner to our business, 和 we appreciate how their staff keeps us informed.”
“I must say how great it has been to work with 罗伯特。 和 his Network Administration team 和 that LBMC技术解决方案 has done an extraordinary job. It is very gratifying to enjoy such a long-term relationship with a partner like LBMC技术解决方案, 对我个人来说,这相当于15年, 当我需要他们的时候,他们一次又一次地为我提供帮助. We look forward to continuing the work between FRN 和 LBMC技术解决方案 going forward.”
“LBMC技术解决方案的网络工程团队让明升体育app下载网络看起来很好! 马特把我们照顾得很好. 他使明升体育app下载office365转换和防火墙升级无痛. 他让我的生活很轻松!”
迈克·豪厄尔,公司采购部的 & 信号工业产品IT经理


用Switchvox提升你的商务电话系统, 一个强大的, ready-to-use phone system that offers best-in-class functionality 和 user-friendly interface at a fraction of the cost. 通过本地和云解决方案,这些系统在一个包中提供许多产品. 获得移动应用程序,通话录音,桌面传真,ACD,存在……所有在一个交钥匙的解决方案.

Improve your customer experience with your phone system – it will go a long way toward improving bottom line. There are many factors that can affect a customer’s experience while on the phone with your team, 例如等待等待, 通话质量差, 无法与合适的人或部门沟通. Switchvox通过提供呼叫报告来增强客户体验, 驳船, 耳语和监控选项.


  • Robust Call Reporting – Gain valuable insights with on-dem和 custom reports that show how your business is h和ling call volume. 报告包括放弃呼叫、重定向呼叫和详细通话记录.
  • 监控、耳语 & 驳船-这些选项允许你这样做-监控, 在电话中耳语或闯进来,确保你的团队在按部就班地工作.
  • Salesforce集成——如果您的组织需要专注于改善客户服务, 如果你的电话系统能与你的CRM系统集成,那就更好了. This Unified Communications advantage allows you to integrate with Salesforce or SugarCRM to give your business the advantage it needs.
  • 互操作性——我们理解最大化IT投资的重要性. 对于有预算意识的决策者, preserving a connection to a legacy IP PBX is important as they plan to transition to a UC system. VoIP网关可用于在连接旧PBX时执行这些后续步骤.


无论是数字还是模拟, telephony gateways play an important role in the way your unified communications system connects to the outside world. 这些网关可以作为大型部署的一部分推出,也可以添加到当前解决方案中. 提供本地和基于云的解决方案, 电话网关s are the instrument in which to bring video 和 phone solutions to users of your 组织s, 无论他们在哪里.


  • 可访问-允许服务到远程站点
  • 适应性强——可添加到现有系统中
  • 灵活-可用于本地或基于云


当您为您的组织寻找一个可靠的和经济有效的电话系统, SIP中继绝对是正确的选择. LBMC offers feature-rich SIP trunking services that utilize a st和ard internet connection to link up with traditional phone lines. 有了这个选项,公司可以降低每月的成本,并轻松地发展他们的组织. This minimizes the hardware 和 wiring components of phone systems 和 makes them very easy to install, 移动, 和利用.


  • 更低的IT成本-以经济的价格提供更好的服务和更多的功能
  • 易于扩展-一个随业务增长的系统
  • 可靠性——比标准电话系统更可靠


我们可能不再生活在90年代了, 但是传真解决方案仍然是商业交流中必不可少的一部分, 特别是涉及到敏感数据时. 随着时代的变化,传真解决方案的选择也在变化. Gone are the days when a fax will sit on the machine 和 wait for someone to come 和 pick it up. 随着传真的现代化, 当涉及到传真解决方案时,公司现在已经提高了效率和可伸缩性. 另外,这些解决方案可以为您的组织节省资金, 你会希望你在准备千年虫的时候拥有这些能力.


  • 增加的安全性-安心为您最敏感的数据
  • 经济-节省您的组织的钱与更多的功能
  • 远程功能——云功能使传真可以在任何地方访问


通过云托管的通信系统来发展业务,同时节省资金. These systems can significantly decrease communication costs by adding cloud hosted technology to existing PBX equipment with instant cloud deployment. 将传统电话系统立即转换为基于ip的通信, 公司可以享受降低的价格,也保留现有的PBX设备, 这意味着没有额外的资本成本.


  • 集成-集成您最喜欢的办公应用程序,从Salesforce到office 365
  • 节省成本-通过使用现有PBX设备来节省成本
  • 移动——把你的通信带到云端意味着它可以去任何你想去的地方
  • 可扩展的——随着业务的增长,这些解决方案可以以很少的成本随着业务的增长而增长



通过VoIP可视警报系统中继电话、紧急事件、安全和安全事件. 从频闪灯到LED指示灯照明, LBMC可以帮助各种非听觉报警系统.


Overhead paging systems integrate with your VoIP phone system to allow extra depth to the capabilities of the users. 标准的扬声器, 喇叭扬声器, 和音频警报系统是VoIP插件的众多选择之一.

视频电话 & 门控制:

现在到处都是视频. 通过视频电话与来自世界各地的队友合作, 或者用视频门控制系统保证你的场所安全.


From personal offices to large-scale training rooms, collaboration is essential for business. Business conference phones allow companies to enjoy conference calls that are as productive as face-to-face meetings.


从蓝牙系统到无线耳机, LBMC理解对配件的需求,以便让员工最大限度地利用他们的时间. IP电话耳机在任何行业都能提高生产力和效率.


Enable teams to communicate with an infrastructure that is already in place through softphone solutions. 不管它是在你的台式机还是智能手机上运行, softphone solutions allow your phone to use a data connection to reach your voice service provider.


帮助员工保持联系——无论他们身在何处. 明升体育app下载移动通信解决方案提供安全, 直观和专用设备,适用于各种行业.


轻松地发送和接收消息与Quicklert. 这个集成系统有能力提醒任何设备上的任何人,在任何地方. 这是实现您的业务的最快方式, 组织, 实时发送和接收信息的机构或机构.


For over 20 years, LBMC技术解决方案 has been inspiring greatness through technology. We underst和 how important a reliable technology infrastructure is to your one-of-a-kind business. 作为你的伴侣, 我们评估您独特的业务流程和当前系统, 然后确定并应用最有效的解决方案.

LBMC技术解决方案 is an award-winning reseller of recognizable industry st和ard software. 如果您的业务需求超出了开箱即用软件所能提供的范围, 我们将为您量身定制适合您具体业务需求的软件解决方案.

明升体育app下载顾问建立联系, 培养创新, 建立持续的沟通, 和 collaborate with you to architect the best system integration option to help you run your business better. We value our clients’ experience 和 have made it a critical part of our solutions to ensure we are earning your trust 和 becoming a long-term partner as your company grows.

是否需要补充或外包一个功能, 需要一个你可以信任的盟友, 或正在市场上寻找全面的业务合作伙伴, LBMC技术解决方案 和 our Family of Companies can simply be whatever your business needs us to be.