由于COVID-19大流行,您的工作场所发生了什么变化? 大的和小的变化一样, your average workday likely looks dramatically different than it did at the beginning of 2020. Companies across the country are shifting processes to keep employees healthy. And, 尽管这些变化是出于必要, we expect that companies will keep and adapt many of them—changing the course of business development in 2021. 为未来的工作场所导航, 让我们来看看在接下来的一年里我们会看到什么.

1. 增加协作工具的使用和发展

You may notice that your team is using collaboration tools much more often. By now, tools like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams are likely heavily ingrained in your day-to-day processes. 如果是这样,那么您的团队就是其中之一. 网络会议软件已经看到 惊人的增长了500% 自大流行开始以来. 这个统计数字一点也不令人惊讶. Conversations that once took place in the hallways of your office and at the metaphorical water cooler are all taking place virtually now. 所以,公司已经开始依赖会议工具来 保持员工的参与和联系.

We don’t expect this trend to slow down in 2021 either, regardless of the trajectory of the pandemic. 当公司找到适合自己的合作平台时, they may find that their employees are actually more satisfied and productive. 通过给你的员工提供他们成功所需的工具, you open your company to new opportunities—flexible work-from-home options, 从你所在地区以外雇佣员工, and more.

2. 共享工作空间的使用

现在公司看到,亲自工作并不总是必要的, we expect to see many of those companies abandoning their traditional office space and turning to more modern options, 比如共享工作区. The opportunity to save on overhead costs will benefit not only the company itself but can also benefit customers and employees. For customers, pass-through savings could save them money on goods and services. And, for employees, the lack of a traditional office space can pave the way for more flexible work schedules, 同时允许他们选择在任何地方工作.

Letting go of permanent office spaces creates challenges that coworking spaces can solve—employees needing space away from home to work, 或者团队需要与客户面对面交流. Coworking spaces have seen a slower growth pace in 2020, as many individuals are still navigating their 从办公室工作过渡 在家工作的空间. However, the coworking industry expects to make a significant rebound in 2021, with a growth rate of 21.3%,拥有超过4万个共享办公空间 将于2024年投入使用.

3. 从你的区域以外招聘员工

Flexibility in the workplace opens another exciting opportunity for companies worldwide—hiring employees who do not live within driving distance. 现在员工可以更容易地在他们选择的任何地方工作, 公司可以不受地域限制地雇佣顶级人才, 同时也节省了可能的搬迁成本. This change also opens the opportunity for your current employees to relocate without leaving your company, reducing turnover, and allowing you to continue nurturing the talented people already on your team.

4. 边旅游边工作

Your employees who love to travel (or who have always wanted to travel but haven’t had the opportunity) may find 2021 to be their year. 因为很多工作场所已经变成了虚拟的, 员工可能在自己的办公室,也可能在全国各地, 他们的工作也不会有什么不同. We expect to see many employees take advantage of this opportunity to travel while they work. The gig and freelance economy laid the groundwork for individuals to fulfill their travel dreams, 现在明升体育app下载全职员工也可以参加.

5. 安全的员工聚会

不过员工可以通过虚拟方式联系, 它并不能完全取代人与人之间的联系, does it? 当他们发现这样做是安全的, we expect to see many companies planning socially-distanced employee gatherings. The pandemic has produced many creative solutions for coming together while staying healthy. 尤其是音乐组合 The Flaming Lips recently hosted an in-person concert, where its attendees were enclosed in bubbles. While the next time you see your coworkers may not be while in giant hamster globes, you might see other creative ways pop up that allow in-person connection, 同时保证你和你的团队的安全.

6. 制定远程工作策略

The profound changes we’ve seen throughout the past several months will undoubtedly lead to continued changes in 2021. 有了这些变化,就有必要修改几个 your employee handbook 反映新工作环境的政策. 要特别注意与远程工作相关的策略, information security, 以及其他面向虚拟的细节. 一旦你梳理和修改你的政策, it’s important to walk through those changes with your employees and allow them to ask any questions or pose any concerns they may have.

7. 远程信息安全风险意识增强

Though information security is important for in-person environments, remote work comes with 它自己的安全风险. Work with your IT team to create stronger information security processes, and educate your employees about keeping themselves and your company safe. As you work through these changes, be sure to also incorporate them into your employee handbook.


我们可以为2021年的成功做好准备! Contact us today to learn how LBMC Employment Partners can help you navigate changes in the workplace.

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