10月2日,小企业管理局发布了工资保障计划的新指导意见,为市场参与者提供了更多关于M&A and investment transactions space.

The guidance mitigates some anguish surrounding M&A deals involving businesses that have received a PPP loan. 该指导方针扩大了现有的贷款人指导方针,要求在某些情况下事先获得SBA的批准, including a “change of ownership” of the borrower. 这一重要的指导方针意味着,并非所有的合并或收购都必须得到小企业管理局的批准 before 展望未来,尽管借款人和买家仍然需要遵守特定的规则.

The new guidance provided for changes of ownership of a PPP borrower, including when SBA preapproval is required, providing greater clarity for participants in M&A transactions seeking to preserve the forgiveness of the loan.

Sale of Assets or Equity Interest

The SBA defines a change of ownership as:

  1. 出售或以其他方式转让PPP借款人至少20%的普通股或其他所有权, whether in one or more transactions, including to an affiliate or an existing owner of the entity
  2. 出售其他转让PPP借款人至少50%的资产
  3. The merger of a PPP borrower with or into another entity

该指南还指出,除非卖方/借款人已度过宽限期, has spent the proceeds and filed for forgiveness, SBA preapproval is required.

Safe Harbor on those Sales

The SBA notice includes a safe harbor, 因为出售或其他所有权权益转让或合并不需要小企业管理局的批准,如果转让是 50 percent or less of the ownership interest of the PPP borrower or 借款人提交贷款减免申请,要求充分使用贷款收益,并向贷款人提供证明文件.


Transactions involving 50 percent or more 如果借款人完成了贷款收益的全部使用宽免申请,并建立了所需的托管账户,则借款人的资产也不需要SBA的批准.


For those transactions involving more than 50 percent of assets, SBA的批准将以采购实体承担PPP贷款下所有PPP借款人的义务为条件, including responsibility for compliance under the PPP loan terms.

还有一些关于股票销售和合并的附加规定, regardless of whether the SBA’s approval is required. 借款人或其在合并中的继承人仍对所有贷款义务负有责任.

Of important notice to organizations who are structuring M&A transactions are the following:

  • Prior to the closing of any change of ownership transaction, PPP借款人必须书面通知PPP贷款人,并向PPP贷款人提供一份拟实施交易的拟文件副本.
  • 根据所有权变更的情况以及购买力平价票据是否得到满足,影响借款人的要求有很大差异. 在交易完成之前,一些所有权的变更可能需要小企业管理局的批准. 这些要求还可能向纳税人提交与潜在托管基金相关的流动性和税收规划决定.
  • Regardless of circumstances for a sale or transfer, PPP借款人将继续履行PPP贷款项下的所有义务. In addition, if the new owner(s) use PPP funds for unauthorized purposes, SBA will have recourse against the owner(s) for the unauthorized use.
  • 若任何新业主因所有权变更而获得另一项PPP贷款, PPP借款人和新业主负责区分和划分PPP资金和费用,并为每个PPP借款人提供文件,以支持其遵守PPP协议.

As you can see, even though there has been some clarity, these guidance issues are complex, and the resulting compliance can directly impact your bottom line.

如果你需要在分析、组织、谈判和执行M&A and investment transactions involving PPP loans, 确保你正在和你的税务顾问进行这些重要的谈话.

LBMC税务提示是为公司的客户和朋友提供的一种信息和教育服务. 沟通是高层次的,不应被视为采取任何具体行动的法律或税务建议. 个人在作出任何与税收或法律相关的决定之前,应咨询他们的个人税务或法律顾问. In addition, 所提供的信息和数据都是基于被认为可靠的来源, but we do not guarantee their accuracy or completeness. 该信息是最新的日期表明,并可随时更改,不另行通知.

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