Your contracting business is ready for just about any job. 但是当客户要求一个比你过去做过的任何工作都大的项目时,你的会计系统是否准备好了呢? Tracking costs and milestones over months or years can get complicated quickly. You may be asked to generate hundreds of invoices across many different job sites. 当一个项目的第一阶段还在进行时,你们是否产生足够的现金流来购买第二阶段的材料?

有经验的承包商知道,正确的工具是有效完成工作的关键, on budget, and with as few hang-ups as possible. 您的业务工具箱就像其他任何工具一样——拥有正确的平台和预算工具可以简化和加快会计和计费任务, while improving cash flow and powering long term growth.

Drive Operational Efficiencies, Reduce Errors

会计师们都知道,准确和及时地完成适当的AIA账单表单是多么具有挑战性和耗时. In addition, 当AIA账单管理在一个单独的软件程序中,需要花费时间手动重新输入冗余数据时,许多小时的生产力损失了. Although, the impact extends beyond productivity losses. 当一个项目的工作成本和总工作成本被保存在独立的系统中时, decisions may be made without all the information on a project.

这就是为什么我们很高兴介绍我们最新的软件开发解决方案ProForm. ProForm是一个进度计费模块,安装到Sage inacct的会计平台,以简化和自动化AIA的商业服务承包商和分包商的计费要求. ProForm简化了具有多个里程碑的大型项目的管理,以提高现金流. 

ProForm’s complete integration with Sage Intacct, 消除在单独的系统或电子表格中管理项目账单时所需的冗余数据输入. This provides valuable benefits across the organization, such as reducing time-consuming data entry, 消除可能导致支付应用程序被拒绝和延迟计费的数学错误, as well as freeing up more time for value-added tasks.

Extend the Value of Sage Intacct, Grow Your Business

Built upon Sage Intacct’s cloud-based accounting platform, ProForm通过在Sage inacct和ProForm模块之间无缝共享信息的能力,扩展了现有技术投资的价值. ProForm简化了计费工作流,消除了管理价值进度的需要,从而使成功的合同业务更容易运行, retainage and the AIA billing in separate systems. With its tight integration with Sage Intacct, ProForm为项目提供了更大的可视性,以便做出明智的决策.


Kyle Kienzle, Director of Applications for VSC Fire & Security

Track Progress with a Detailed Schedule of Values

详细的价值计划表(SOV)使负责评估一项工作完成进度的人员能够确定承包商在每一项工作上的进度. The SOV can be a critical component to ensuring contractors get paid, and, how they are prepared can make or break a project’s bottom line.

With ProForm, it is easy to stay on track with the SOV. ProForm提供了一个框架,将项目的SOV与Sage inacct项目关联起来,以跟踪项目上的工作项目的合同清单, 哪些工作已经完成,哪些工作还有待完成——使得支持盈利报告和评估项目进展变得容易. As projects unfold it is common for changes to the scope of work to occur. With ProForm, change orders are easily entered and adjustments are made.

Simplify, Manage, Expedite Billing to Improve Cash Flow

大多数建筑工程要求在工程期间向承包商或分包商保留一定比例的合同价款. This withholding is called retainage. 保留是为了在出现问题时保护利益相关者,并为承包商完成项目创造财政激励. Although withholding money from contractors is a common practice, 追踪和管理被扣资金的过程对参与的每个人来说都是复杂的.

ProForm使承包商能够通过一种计算保留百分比的方法来简化和管理保留,该方法可以自动创建相关的保留总账分录. When change orders are made, ProForm automatically posts adjustments, 自动创建应收账款账龄和付款应用程序的销售发票, 以及生成支持AIA账单要求所需的G-702和G-703表格. ProForm enables contractors to speed the billing process, improve cash flow, and support their ability to manage larger projects to grow their business.

For subcontractors, and specialized service providers, accurate and expedited billing is essential in keeping business running smoothly. With ProForm, 你可以放心地知道,你的客户和合作伙伴很高兴,你的企业处于增长的位置,因为你有适合这份工作的正确工具.

To find out more about this powerful new software, contact us at 或者加入我们2019年11月3-5日在南卡罗来纳州棕榈岛举行的2019年数字包装会议. 

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