Companies worldwide were faced with several challenges when the p和emic began—hit by shutdowns, 劳动力短缺, 和, 在许多情况下, 永久关闭. 但 新的统计数据显示 that companies that rely on Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) for HR or other professional services have 要好得多 than other companies throughout these trying times.

According to a report from the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations, PEO clients were half as likely to have permanently closed during the p和emic. PEO clients also experienced fewer negative impacts from the p和emic 和 were more likely to 留住员工 尽管劳动力短缺.

PEOs Help Businesses Adapt to Change

大流行的完全 转移模式 与工作和业务相关. Suddenly employers were asked to develop new policies from scratch, comply with new government regulations, 和 find ways to protect their employees from COVID exposure. PEOs是为 应对变化, 和 their success in the p和emic demonstrates their ability to help clients stay on track even during tumultuous times.

Let Your PEO H和le the Paperwork

Many of the small businesses that survived during the p和emic took advantage of the PPP loan program. While these loans were widely available, the process of applying for the loan was too complex for many overwhelmed business owners. PEO clients were 71 percent more likely to have received a PPP loan during the p和emic than other businesses. They were also more likely to have had their loans forgiven.

PEOs are Experts at Recruiting 和 Retaining Employees

The p和emic has created an ongoing labor shortage for almost every business. 仍然, PEO clients have seen 81 percent higher employment growth over the last six months than businesses that do not use a PEO. PEOs are familiar with the best ways to attract talent to a company, 和 they have a variety of strategies to help 留住员工 once they’ve been hired.

Interested in Working with a PEO?

If you’re ready to learn more about how a PEO can help your business, contact LBMC Employment Partners 今天. Our experts are here 和 ready to help.

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