Helping Businesses Create their Stories and Achieve their Goals 


该公司于2012年由所有者兼首席策略师萨曼莎·派尔发起, 青苹果的策略 is a full-service, strategic marketing firm based in Franklin, Tennessee. Green Apple’s growing roster of clients includes a strong focus on service-oriented companies in a wide variety of industries. With proven experience in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer scenarios, 青苹果团队创建了基于结果的系统, 内容丰富, effective inbound and outbound marketing approaches for brands to reach their target audiences, which includes a mix of both traditional and digital marketing efforts from content marketing, 电子邮件营销, 活动策划, 搜索引擎优化, 和PPC, 举几个例子. Green Apple prides itself on being accessible and industry-agnostic, 与每一位客户一起成为各自领域的专家.

With a career background in multiple businesses and marketing agencies, Pyle began to observe several factors in the marketing industry that led her to dream of better ways to do marketing. After witnessing layoffs and high turnover rates throughout the industry, she started to develop the idea of creating a small core marketing team, 由自由职业者组成的更大的创意团队支持. “作为一个商业领袖, something that keeps you up at night is worrying about people keeping their jobs and being able to provide for their families, 如果你在中介公司工作,这是很难控制的. I established 青苹果的策略 because of this—realizing you can keep creatives on a freelance model and a core team on retainer work,”派尔解释说. 六年后,绿苹果已经成长为一支核心团队 5 full-time employees and a growing team of creative freelancers.

The continued growth Green Apple has experienced has also led to the creation and launch of 果园里的房子, a creative meeting space for organizations across Tennessee and Northern Alabama to gather and grow through company retreats, 头脑风暴会议, 团队培训, 演讲, 会议, 和更多的—all of which can be facilitated by the Green Apple team.


与LBMC雇佣伙伴的关系是如何开始的? 在绿苹果公司聘请LBMC EP之前, they were our client as we were and still are their marketing agency,派尔说, whose employees were working on a contract basis at the beginning of the EP relationship. “As we learned more about the renowned reputation from LBMC EP’s clients and the consistent, 他们交付的高质量工作, 信任进程开始在我们这边发展, 太,“肯定派尔. That mutual trust and understanding eventually led to Green Apple becoming a part of LBMC EP’s 专业的雇主组织 (PEO). 在他们意识到之前, LBMC EP was helping me craft and evolve the Green Apple vision for the future. 当时机成熟时, they helped me know and understand when to take my contractors to full time employees and we became part of the PEO,”她补充道.

Green Apple officially enlisted LBMC EP’s PEO services in January of 2017, and the LBMC EP team has been vital in analyzing Green Apple’s business needs, offering the team consultation on any HR-related and employee benefits inquiries, 实现工资, 处理工资税, 员工新员工培训, 员工手册, 和更多的. “It’s comforting to know that Green Apple’s employees can reach out to our HR Manager, 玛丽凯瑟琳Alcorn, 当人力资源相关问题出现时. She’s always quick to respond, and that’s been so rewarding to both myself and the team. 我觉得我们已经合作多年了,”派尔说.

What made Green Apple choose LBMC EP over another HR outsourcing provider? 派尔说, 作为LBMC EP的营销机构, you may be thinking that it’s obvious we would choose them over another HR provider. 和, 说实话, 在为LBMC EP做了一整天的竞争分析之后, 我们不会再考虑另一个供应商. 我们比任何人都清楚,您应该使用LBMC EP. 我们不能卖坏了的东西. 特别是因为我们与主要的服务提供商合作.”


当被问及为什么与LBMC EP的关系这么好时, 派尔说, “我不知道像我们这样的公司没有首席运营官怎么做. I think many people don’t know what a PEO is and how it can help your run your business. 和, 给那些知道的人, some might feel like they must relinquish control of important business tasks, 但我根本没有那种感觉. 事实上, 知道我的工资税已经付了,我感到很安心, 工资管理, 我的员工也能享受到符合成本效益的福利.” As someone whose business has been built around outsourcing, 派尔很容易在这个过程中感到舒适. LBMC EP handles the important HR issues so she can run and grow her business.

其他考虑LBMC EP服务的企业, 派尔说, “I don’t know why you’re continuing to press on without a PEO or HR provider. 我做这个决定可能晚了9个月.而青苹果已经发展成为一家小企业, LBMC EP has been a part of the process that has helped its revenues double and productivity increase. LBMC EP’s role in freeing up space for Pyle to grow and run the business has also been instrumental in helping 果园里的房子 vision become a reality. 派尔肯定, LBMC EP的PEO, the value for the price is worth any worry I ever had along the way as a small business owner.”

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