区块链,这个系统首先在金融界被采用 cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin 以一种良好的方式席卷了医疗行业. Many believe it could be the answer to numerous security challenges that have plagued the healthcare industry in the past few years.

随着区块链在金融和医疗保健行业的人气持续增长, our team at LBMC Information Security is committed to staying on top of this emerging technology solution 和 providing our clients with relevant information about blockchain 和 the difference it could make in the cybersecurity industry, 和 for healthcare in particular. Let’s address some of the most common questions we’ve received regarding blockchain 和 its impact on the healthcare industry.

What is a Cryptocurrency?

Regulators of all stripes have looked at blockchain technology – 和 the cryptocurrencies that have proliferated in recent years – 和 come to their own conclusions about whether 和/or how to regulate the industry. 以下是游戏当前状态的概要:

  • Securities 和 Exchange Commission – Cryptocurrencies issued via Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Initial Token Offering (ITO) are securities.
  • 商品期货交易委员会-加密货币是商品.
  • Department of Treasury – Cryptocurrencies are currencies 和 ICOs are subject to FinCEN money transmitter rules 和 reporting.
  • 国内税务局-加密货币是财产,其销售是要纳税的.


What is blockchain?

科技已经存在近10年了. 从2009年推出比特币——首个区块链应用程序开始, 监管格局发生了很大变化. Companies operating in this space have begun to rethink 和 reshape their funding model in response to regulatory pressures. 说这个领域存在监管上的不确定性是轻描淡写的.

在其核心,区块链是一个用于记录和存储事务记录的分布式系统. More specifically, blockchain is a shared, unchangeable record of peer-to-peer transactions built from linked transaction blocks 和 stored in a digital ledger.

区块链用户只能更新他们可以访问的“块”(事务记录).  Once a user submits an update request, 参与各方运行算法来评估拟议的记录更新, 和, once approved, 这些更新在整个网络中被复制, 以便所有其他各方都知道刚刚进行的事务更新. In this way, interactions with the blockchain are known to all participants 和 require verification by the network before information is added or replicated. 所有条目都有时间和日期戳,这提供了所有交互的详细审计跟踪. 数据是加密的,不可更改的,并且在所有参与者的系统上是最新的.


因为记录分布在复制数据库的网络中, blockchain provides a new degree of potential security benefits for the massive amounts of data healthcare organizations are responsible for managing.

While blockchain provides the healthcare industry with a variety of opportunities for enhanced medical research 和 simplified financial management, 这里有一些具体的方法可以利用它来改善数据管理和安全性:

  • Enhanced Data Interoperability 和 Security -在没有国家患者标识的情况下, 区块链可能是一个将个人和他们的记录保存在一起的伟大机制. 因为区块链以无法修改的模式验证和存储数据, it has potential to be a key component of the infrastructure that is needed to keep health data up-to-date, private 和 secure while facilitating the ability to share information with appropriate parties (as in a health information exchange) 和 further enable the benefits of connected medical devices. This new level of interoperability could help providers eliminate some IT challenges associated with providing exceptional patient care across the healthcare ecosystem in a cost-effective manner.
  • Fraud Prevention -基于区块链的系统可以帮助最小化医疗欺诈, 该公司在2016年因欺诈遭受了超过3000万美元的损失. For example, proactive monitoring of the patterns that cybercriminals use could inform fraud detection systems that rely on machine learning to continually improve their sensitivity.


区块链公司经常依靠发行代币或硬币来筹集资金. 本质上,ICO/ITO模式是为区块链初创企业进行众筹. 公司煞费苦心地构建他们的产品, with the help of their legal counsel, to ensure that SEC regulations did not apply. This was typically done by designing the token or coin to have utility on the network rather than having features of a regulated security.

However, companies are increasingly thinking about leaning into SEC regulations 和 structuring the offerings as registered securities. The tokens or coins can be offered in private placements to accredited investors 和 registered with the SEC. 在ICO过程中接受SEC的监督有助于缓解未来的不确定性.

The IRS treats cryptocurrency as property 和 the sale of tokens or coins is subject to federal income tax. For companies issuing utility tokens, this presents a host of challenges for early-stage blockchain start-ups as a substantial portion of the money raised via ICO is earmarked for taxes.

适用于经由区块链发行证券之公司, 必须特别注意招股的结构. There is potential for a worst-of-both-worlds outcome where an offering is subject to SEC regulations while also being subject to income tax according to the IRS.

Under either model, it is essential to have your tax advisor involved from the beginning of the ICO process to help reduce 和 plan for the potential tax burden.

Learn more about our ICO/ITO Advisory Services.


尽管区块链技术可以成为医疗保健行业变革的催化剂, 这里有几个需要牢记的挑战:

  • Transitioning from Current Systems. One of the main obstacles to implementing blockchain technology to manage patient data is the fact that data is already being managed by current systems. 技术需要彻底的改变, going from centralized, 高度实体控制的系统变成分布式系统, 开放, 和, potentially worldwide systems.
  • Lack of Buy-in from Doctors 和 Nurses. Transitioning to any new system (regardless of whether blockchain is involved) requires buy-in from the stakeholders. 然而,医生对新产品的第一反应通常是非常谨慎的. For good reason, providers are hesitant to make any changes that could have a negative impact on the efficiency or effectiveness of patient care. Educating stakeholders on the benefits of the new system 和 the blockchain capabilities (beyond the obvious security enhancements) will be key to getting their buy-in when the time comes.

区块链正迅速成为商务用语中的一个熟悉词. It will be interesting to watch as companies collaborate to develop blockchain-based systems 和 jockey to position them within the healthcare industry as potential solutions. 精明的领导者将密切关注这项技术及其对IT世界的影响, 他们应该努力保持在产业链的“顶端”.

As the leader in healthcare IT security, LBMC Information Security is attuned to the security 和 compliance issues of entities throughout the healthcare ecosystem. 如果你想了解更多关于区块链技术, 以及它可能给你的组织带来的潜在好处, connect with our team today.

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