如果只有一种安全威胁需要防御——一种类型的攻击, pointed at one part of your business, 网络安全不会像我们今天看到的那样每天都成为头条新闻. 不幸的是,正如你们已经知道的,现实是完全不同的,而且要复杂得多. Threats come from all directions, in numerous ever-evolving forms, 这让许多企业处于防御态势,因为它们争相提供哪怕是最低限度的保护. 曾经针对大型企业组织的复杂威胁攻击正在让位于针对中小型企业的超精确攻击, who are notoriously short on security talent and resources. There are actions that SMB leaders can take today to combat these threats, without a full security team or an enterprise-size cybersecurity budget.

每个SMB需要防御无数威胁的是分层安全性. Outlined below are 10 things every CFO needs to implement today.

Ten Must-Have Layered Security Fundamentals

Layer 1: Incoming Port Blocking

而国家封锁曾经是防止潜在攻击的足够步骤, 自那以后,不良行为者找到了一种方法来绕过简单的国家封锁技术. While country blocking is still recommended, your network will still be highly vulnerable to a brute-force attack. 当前的最佳实践包括阻塞所有传入端口,除非完全必要和保护. To take this action a step further for additional security, 建议只阻止对内部机器的关键内部资源的Internet访问, 那些物理上位于安全墙内或通过安全VPN连接的网络.

Layer 2: Hard Drive 加密

加密 continues to be a vital method of defense for many businesses, 包括那些受HIPAA或其他法规要求的项目. By encrypting your workstation and server hard drives, you can protect sensitive data wherever it lives, including both cache and application data. Or at least you can make it harder to reach.

Layer 3: Next Generation Endpoint Protection and Anti-malware

您业务中的每一个端点都应该用最新的下一代端点保护和反恶意软件来保护,以抵御所有形式的有害软件. 今天的工具利用了人工智能(AI)的力量,对勒索软件的威胁更加有效. The best solutions block hacking, 网络钓鱼, 间谍软件, 广告软件, and other forms of attack in real time, 防止黑客从终端传播到整个业务的其他计算机.


知道何时为操作系统和应用程序宣布新的安全补丁是至关重要的. With a managed patching solution, 您不仅会收到通知,而且可以立即安装补丁, ensuring that you are fully defended at all times.

Layer 5: Multifactor Authentication

多因素(MFA), 或双因素(2 fa), 身份验证是帮助确保只有经过身份验证和授权的用户才能访问业务关键型应用程序的新标准. 用合适的软件, MFA can be applied to any business application, so users have to provide two or more pieces of evidence, 或因素, to gain access to sensitive data and applications. 这些解决方案提供了一度为企业空间保留的保护级别, now available at SMB budget prices.


To defend against the many attacks that enter businesses through email, 培训员工警惕网络钓鱼和其他诈骗是很重要的. You also need to set up robust email security solutions, including setting detailed firewall rules, automatically scanning all internal email traffic, 改进报告,这样你就能知道哪些账户被入侵了.

Layer 7: Threat-Aware Backup and Disaster Recovery

备份数据本身就是一种业务保护,但备份也需要保护. 事实上,数据备份和 灾难恢复 解决方案至少需要像您的其他业务一样受到威胁保护和意识到威胁. 需要提供备份过程的完全可见性的解决方案, so you can detect ransomware infections right away. 您可能需要一个专门构建的备份系统来抽象备份数据, 你肯定想要定期测试你的恢复过程,以确保你可以快速恢复.


Wi-Fi networks are an attractive target for hackers, and they can be challenging to protect, especially as your organization grows. Comprehensive wireless security should restrict unwanted traffic, 自动配置, and give you deep and broad visibility into your network. 在防止不需要的流量进入网络的同时,最大化网络性能也很重要.

 Layer 9: Mobile Device Security

想象一下,如果一名员工(或前员工)的智能手机或其他移动设备被黑客入侵,数据被泄露给公众或竞争对手,会造成多大的损害. 为了防止这样的情况发生, mobile device management (MDM) security needs to be added on top of the basic security built into the device. 加密, 访问限制, 远程管理, and other features can help keep sensitive information fully protected.

Layer 10: Self and Third-Party 审计ing

您的组织需要定期检查所有内部系统的漏洞和最佳安全实践.  Whether performed in-house or with a third party, 执行外部和内部渗透测试确保没有缺口发生.  If you have custom code, have it reviewed for vulnerabilities.  渗透测试还包括对用户的培训和测试. 如果用户对威胁敞开大门,即使是最复杂的软件解决方案也可能受到攻击.  Additionally, require users to utilize all of the security features (i.e. MFA、SSO、端口阻塞等.) available in your SaaS solutions.  If they are missing core security features, 至少你需要挑战他们来提高他们的安全性.

Get the Security 解决方案 You Need

These ten layers of security are essential—but they’re only the beginning. 投资于一个全面的安全服务组合是一种聪明的方法,以确保您完全保护免受现有和新出现的各种威胁. 了解更多关于 developing an effective security awareness program.

There is No Better Time to Ensure Your Organization is Protected

确保您的组织受到最广泛的网络安全服务的保护, 从标准IPS, URL过滤, 智能影音, 应用程序控制, 和反垃圾邮件, to services for combating advanced threats such as file sand boxing, 预防数据丢失, ransomware保护, 域名重定向, 和更多的.

There is No Better Time to Ensure Your Organization is Protected

确保您的组织受到最广泛的网络安全服务的保护, 从标准IPS, URL过滤, 智能影音, 应用程序控制, 和反垃圾邮件, to services for combating advanced threats such as file sand boxing, 预防数据丢失, ransomware保护, 域名重定向, 和更多的.

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